Another Match Made In Heaven
Another Match Made In Heaven

Author: writerbyheart01

Published: 25/09/24

Maizah and Anzala were first cousins who were living under the same roof since childhood, they both were best friends and best leg pullers of each others. Since childhood they always relished the sweetness of their family member's love and pampering along with the sourness of their scolding and strictness. But one misunderstanding snatch the trust and love of their family from both of them. They were forcefully tied up in the bond of nikkah by their family. Maizah and Anzala both were good with each other, their bond and friendship had no boundaries, but every good bound is not meant to be end up in the form of marriage. Both of them never saw each other as a life partner, moreover Anzala love his another friend 'Muskan'. He only wanted to marry her, no one else. What will happen when they both will start to work on their plan to get rid of that Marriage... How will they get rid of this marriage? Or will they accept this marriage?! Wanna know about their further? So come and read...



"Saba, Maizah see who is here!" Both the girls looked at the one who was knocking the door.

"Hasan aap kab wapas aaye?" Saba said with happiness in his voice and made herself stand.

(Hasan when you have come back?)

But a little whispered left from Maizah's lips "Anzala" and Unknowingly wetness come to her eyes which she hide very well.

"I come back just now" Hasan replied with a wholehearted smile while looking at Saba.

But Maizah was busy in watching the one who was standing behind Hasan, and he was busy in watching Maizah.

"He is Anzala.. Right?" Saba said with a surprised expression and Maizah come back to her senses.

"Yeah Saba aapi I'm Anzala, you remember me?" Anzala asked with happiness after averting his eyes from Maizah.

"How can we forget you!" Hasan and Saba said with happiness.

"You are the one who hide my shoes on Maizah's behalf" Hasan said and Anzala chuckled.

"Yeah.. Mazi had to hide your shoes but she was not getting any place so I took her charge" Anzala said with an ear to ear grin.

"Anzu what are you doing here?" Maizah asked suddenly.

"Hasan why Anzala is coming with you?" Saba asked Her husband and Maizah wanted to ask same question to Anzala but she stay quite.

"I have come here to take you back" Anzala's answer made everyone shocked, because that was unexpected by everyone that Rizwi family would send Anzala to take back Maizah from different city.

"With whom you have come Anzala?" Maizah's mami asked and Anzala smiled.

"Alone... It took my whole two and a half hours to come here" Anzala said with a tired face but he was happy that after all he come to take back his Mazi.

"When I was coming out from railway station I saw Anzala asking for address and I recognised him" Hasan informed everyone and Anzala show his smile.

"I come here almost two years back I just remembered that this haveli is near railway station, but the roads are changed very much.... So I was confused" Anzala's statement triggered Maizah's Mami.

"Anzala if you don't even know the proper address then what was the need to come here alone? Why you haven't come with Aasif bhai?" Maizah's Mami asked and Anzala was answerless.

"I.. I just come here to take back Maizah with me... Today sir was getting angry on her so after finishing the lecture I come here" Anzala said and Maizah's eyes grew big.

"What!! Hitler sharma was getting angry on me! But Muskan hasn't tell me about this" Maizah exclaimed and Anzala shrugged.

"That's her fault." he said with an innocent face

"Now pack your bag and come with me" Anzala said and Maizah think for a moment then nodded.

"No I'm not sending Maizah with you. Beta Maizah is our responsibility how can we send her with you. That too Without the permission of your elders?" Maizah's mami said as she was concerned to send Maizah with Anzala.

"Aunty I have already took permission from dada Abbu, he said that Maizah's studies shouldn't be suffer." Anzala's answer made Maizah shocked, because she had a good idea that her family can't send Anzala to receive her from Kanpur, but she stay silent.

"You both must be tired, so go for freshen up, I'm making tea" Maizah's Mami said to Anzala and Hasan and they both nodded

"Maizah you pack your clothes and Saba show guest room to Anzala" Both Saba and Maizah nodded on the instructions.

"Anzala you can use that room!" Saba said to him while pointing towards a shut door and Anzala nodded but he noticed Maizah going in the room just beside that one.

"Thanks" Anzala mouthed and Saba passed a smile before going to her room with Her husband.

Instead of going to the room what Saba showed him, Anzala went to the room in which Maizah entered just a moment ago

"Mazi" He close the door behind him and Maizah was shocked to witness him in her room.

"Are you mad? What are you doing in my room? What will Happen if someone see us?" Maizah yelled in Whisper but Anzala took steps towards her

"Maizah I.. Yaar I... I can't live without you. You are here since ten days.. And I was getting mad without you..." Anzala said while looking in her eyes and she was shocked.

"So what Anzala? You have to make yourself prepare for this... have you forget our deal? You have to di.. Divorce me, so you have to make yourself prepare to stay away from me. I can't live with you" Maizah said while taking few back steps. But her words were not supporting her feelings and emotions.

"Mazi haven't you miss me?" Anzala asked and Maizah shook her head without thinking, and turned her head to other side..

"You're lying" He said and turned her head towards his side with his index finger.

"Why are you lying chudail?" Anzala asked and Maizah glared her while pushing his hand away. On the other hand....

"Hasan you take rest for some time, I am going to help Maizah in packing" Saba said and her husband nodded, while Saba made her way to the room in which Maizah and Anzala both were present at the same time.

"Where is Anzala?" Saba mumbled when noticed the guestroom locked from outside, but she didn't pay attention and push the door of Maizah's room, which was locked, Saba was going to knock the door but.

"Anzala get out of this room, don't creat a scene here" Maizah's voice made Saba shocked.

"Mazi please yaar, try to understand I was missing you, yo...." Anzala said and Maizah didn't let her complete.

"Anzala don't miss me.. Think about Muskan... And do flirting with Mansha and who is that other girl...what is the name of that chudail (witch), yeah.. Ahana.. Don't think about me, go and say sweet dialogue to them." Maizah said with angry expressions on her face and Anzala smirked, without knowing that Saba was standing on the doorway listening their conversation

"Ohh.. my wife is feeling jealous?" Anzala try to tease her but Saba's mouth left a gasp.

"Shut up Anzala.... You also know this marriage is nothing... But a forceful decision of our family." Maizah said while grinding her teeth to show her anger but actually she wasn't feeling angry but broken from inside.

"For your kind information our family decided to announce our engagement in Rumi aapi's marriage and then a lavish wedding after few months." Maizah was shocked but Saba was more shocked.

"Anzu please..." Anzala didn't let him complete.

"Maizah neither you can stay away from me nor I can stay away from you... So why not live this life together?" Anzala said while holding her both hands.

"Anzu.. Its impossible.." She mumbled

"You love Muskan, Muskan loves you... Its your habit to see me around you, that's why you are saying this" Maizah said and Anzala nodded.

"Yes I have habit to see you around me... And now I want you with me for rest of my life" Anzala said while cupping her face, and Maizah's eyes drop few tears, which Anzala wiped with his fingers.

"Chudail you don't even have idea how much I missed you in these ten days, and I realised that I can't leave without my chudail." Anzala said With a smile but Maizah was in disbelieve

'' Maizah.... Sabaaa... I have already make te, a come fast" Anzala and Maizah both took back steps suddenly, but Saba went back to her room in hurry

"Let's go back to your home" Anzala mumbled and Maizah wiped her tears.

" you go in hall I am packing my stuff and I am not coming back because of you I am coming back just because Hitler Sharma is angry on me" Maizah said with a glare and Anzala smile but nodded.

"Anzala stay for some time, and go back after lunch" Maizah's mami said when he was busy in having tea, at the same time Dayim also enter in home holding many bags in his hands. He already knew about Anzala's presence in home because his mother informed him.

"No Aunty, it will be very late for us. We will take a leave now" Saying that Anzala placed the empty cup on table and Dayim come near him

"Happy to see you here!" Dayim said and Anzala smiled but in his heart he was angry and jealous with Dayim.

"Nani, I'll miss you" Maizah said while hugging her grandmother from behind and she pat on her cheek.

"I'll miss you too" Her Nani said lovingly and Anzala smiled on the scene

"Maizah I have bring this for you." Dayim said while lifting the shopping bags, but Anzala's blood got a boil.

"Thanks Dayi..." Maizah was going to say but Anzala held those bags

"Dayim bhai Maizah can't take these gifts from you" Anzala unthought-out

"Why?" everyone asked in unison and Maizah glare him.

"Dayim bhai... Maizah already have two bags, how will I carry all these things on bike." saying that Anzala placed all the shopping bags on coffee table.

''But I have bring these for Maizah" Dayim said which made Anzala more jealous, but he wasn't the one who stay on back seat

"Dayim bhai.. You give this to Saba aapi.. You bring this for one younger sister, but Maizah can't take this so you can give this to your other younger sister" Anzala tone was holding a satire but everyone was unknown with the reason except Saba. 

"Maizah let's go, we're getting late!" Anzala said and Maizah nodded.

Anzala and Maizah both greet everyone and went out of the home. Dayim come out from the home to see off both of them.

"When will you come back again?" Dayim asked to Maizah when Anzala was setting Maizah's luggage on the bike.

"I'll c..." Maizah I was saying something but her sentence was interrupted by her husband who was burning in the fire of jealousy

"In your marriage... I mean to say that Maizah will come back here when you will find out a suitable girl for yourself. And Dayim bhai be ready, Maizah is your younger sister, she will take naig from you" Anzala said and grabbed Maizah's wrist before dragging her with himself.

{Naig: gift/cash given by brother as a ritual}

"Let's go chudail" saying that they both went Away form Dayim's sight in few moments

After some five minutes Anzala stopped his bike and "Mazi sit while both legs on either side, it will be difficult for you to sit in this position for two hours" He said to Maizah who was Sidesaddle behind him.

"I'm fine" Maizah said but

"Maizah it will be difficult for you" Anzala said rightfully and Maizah sat in Straddling position.

"Are you comfortable?" Anzala asked and Maizah hummed in response, he slowly held Maizah's both hands and wrapped up around his waist.

"Anzala" Maizah said in disbelieve with wide eyes

"Yeah Mrs. Anzala" Maizah's heart skipped a beat on that voice, she tried to pull back her arms but Anzala hold them firmly before tightly wrapping them around himself, and continued the journey again

'Anzala.... I love you... I Don't know how I started loving you but now I really love you' Maizah said to herself and a smile creeped to her lips, she slowly creeped more towards him and wrapped her arms around his ribcage while placing her head on his back. When Anzala felt her act a smile come to his lips and he held Maizah's one hand in his, just for a moment.


"Maizah" Rizwi family was shocked witnessing Maizah standing and front of them.

"Anzala who told you to take Maizah with yourself?" Gul asked with anger.

"Chhoti Ammi do you have any idea how much Hitler sharma was angry on Maizah! He was saying that he will give her a big zero in her project just because she is not attending the classes, I already informed all of you but no one of you bother to take her back that's why I was left with no choice I went to Kanpur and take her back with me. But if you are not liking her presence then it's okay I'll drop her back to kanpur" Anzala said everything with very innocent expression on his face.

"Anzala you did correct by taking her back, but you should inform us before doing this" Abdul Gafoor said before going to his room. And Gul Bano made her way to the kitchen.

"Welcome back to your permanent home." holding her hand Anzala said to Maizah when only they both were alone in the hall, but Maizah was in disbelieve, she freed her hand and run to her room. Anzala thought she was angry, or maybe she was agree to accept their relationship but actually Maizah was on ninth cloud.


_Naaz Jamal