Another Match Made In Heaven
Another Match Made In Heaven

Author: writerbyheart01

Published: 25/09/24

Maizah and Anzala were first cousins who were living under the same roof since childhood, they both were best friends and best leg pullers of each others. Since childhood they always relished the sweetness of their family member's love and pampering along with the sourness of their scolding and strictness. But one misunderstanding snatch the trust and love of their family from both of them. They were forcefully tied up in the bond of nikkah by their family. Maizah and Anzala both were good with each other, their bond and friendship had no boundaries, but every good bound is not meant to be end up in the form of marriage. Both of them never saw each other as a life partner, moreover Anzala love his another friend 'Muskan'. He only wanted to marry her, no one else. What will happen when they both will start to work on their plan to get rid of that Marriage... How will they get rid of this marriage? Or will they accept this marriage?! Wanna know about their further? So come and read...



(Rizwi Mansion)

While returning from the restaurant after celebrating Muskan's birthday, Anzala and Maizah become late. It wasn't like that they were roaming around but while coming back Anzala's bike tire was punctured. He faced a problem searching for any mechanic at that place so they both were late for home.

"Maizah, why are you coming late from college?" When they both entered home Gul asked suddenly, she was sounding worried. Momina was also sitting beside her on the couch of the living room. Maizah was still angry and didn't want to answer her mother but Anzala passed a very small smile to Maizah like he was requesting her to answer and she blinked her eyes slowly assuring him of the same. They both Wanted to make their relationship better with their family.

" Ammi today's Muskan's birthday we all were in a restaurant to celebrate her birthday but while coming back from......" Maizah was narrating whole story to her mother when Anzala noticed his mother who was glaring Maizah

" What happened Ammi? Why are you looking angry?" Anzala asked Momina.

" Stop making these stories, if you both are gone somewhere tell us. Now no one will stop you but stop making false stories" Momina said angrily. Anzala and Maizah both were shocked.

"Maizah is not lying, it's true" Anzala protested, his face was showing disbelieve look on what his mother was saying but Momina rolled her eyes

" Bhabhi if they both are saying that they were stuck due to that puncture then what's the matter of disbelief in this?" Gul took the side of her daughter and Anzala who was her son-in-law too.

"Gul, is this your habit to blindfold your eyes and believe everyone?" Momina said loudly she was sounding very angry

" Bhabhi it's n..." before Gul could utter anything in the defence of Maizah her sentence was cut off

"Badi Ammi, is this your habit to doubt everyone without knowing the full truth and without any evidence?" Maizah snapped for the first time making her surprised by that rebellion look

"Maizah, what is your way of talking to elders?" Gul scolded her daughter but she was done by then

" Sometimes youngsters learn the way of talking and behaving from their elders. You all are forcing me to give these replies otherwise I never argue with any elder you also know about it" Maizah said very clearly while turning her head to the opposite side of her mother and Momina. Anzala was also shocked to witness that.

" Stop it Maizah" Gul scolded her

"Seriously shame on you! Have you forgotten everything which we have taught you in childhood?" Momina scolded Maizah and she just passed a taunting smirk

" Haven't you remember, you people also taught us to trust others! But here you aren't even trusting your own children'' Maizah argued and Momina glared at her.

"Gul are you watching what your daughter is saying?" Momina said to Gul and Anzala took a step further

"Ammi, Maizah isn't wrong. Now it's really enough you are making a mountain out of a molehill. If my bike tyre was punctured and we come back late then what's the big deal in this?" Anzala asked his mother in Angry voice. Argument voice was quite loud which hits the ear drums of the head of the family who was resting in his room. Picking his cane in his right hand he made his way out of his room to come into the living room where the argument was taking place.

" I would never say anything to both of you if you both said the truth. I don't have any problem if you go anywhere with each other now you are husband and wife, go wherever you want to go, do whatever you wanna do but don't make all your stories just to prove yourself correct" Momina shouted on Maizah.

"Ammi making false stories is a far away thing, we both are even avoiding Each Other just to prove ourselves correct. We don't share the bond which you are supposing in between us" Anzala said with frustration.

" This is what I am saying you both are avoiding each other but celebrating Muskan's birthday together, coming back from restaurant together even late.... can't we see that you both are just pretending that you are not interested in each other?" Momina said and Maizah glared at Anzala.

"What's going on here?" Abdul Gafur asked worriedly.

" No matter whatever we say to you , people are not going to believe us, so what's the point of saying anything?" Maizah mumbled with disappointment while taking a step towards the stairs avoiding her grandfather.

"Abbu ji they are making new stories again" Momina said while glaring at Maizah and Anzala.

"If you don't have to believe in us then why do you even ask me about the reason for our late arrival?" Maizah said angrily.

"Maizah is right, when you people don't have to believe in us then what is the point of asking us questions?" Anzala almost roared and Momina glared at him.

"Anzala, from how long you also started behaving like this girl. She was a stubborn one since childhood but you weren't!" Momina said about Maizah which gave a big shock to Gul and Maizah both.

"Anzala you don't have to take my side. I am enough to defend myself. Don't make your mother disappointed" Maizah said to Anzala with full of rage and he felt angry on her

"Yaar Maizah... What's the matter with you? Whenever anyone in the family says anything to you why do you always pour out your anger on me? I am not saying anything against you even if I am taking your side!" Anzala asked when he listened Maizah's words.

"Anzala I don't need your support!" Showing her hand to stop him Maizah said with full rage. "When everyone left me alone then why are you behaving that you are concerned about me?" She asked and show as if she was very angry but actually she was controlling her tears to flow out

" Idiot I am not only showing but I actually am concerned about you. There isn't anyone in this home who believes in us but at least we can support Each Other when we know the truth?" Anzala shouted on Maizah

" And what will that support proof to them? They all are thinking wrong about us! your support for me and my support for you will make everything worse. So please stop doing this. I don't need you and your support" Shouting that Maizah took steps upstairs when stopped by a call.

"Stop arguing like this Maizah and Anzala. Now you both are husband and wife not cousins" Maizah turned to see Abdul Gafoor Rizwi who scolded both of them.

"First of all Dada Abbu, we both didn't start the argument, someone else started this, so it would be better if you would instruct other members of the Family too" Maizah said but still her tone was full of respect for her grandfather

"And secondly, stop calling us husband and wife, neither me nor Anzala are considering this marriage." Maizah said in an almost hushed tone while running to her room but she didn't know that her words fell like a bomb on the head of her family members, but not on Anzala's head. He felt a different kind of pain and restlessness in his chest and the reason was unknown to him neither he wanted to think about the reason but the truth was that

Maizah's words worked as a dagger on his heart, but he was unaware about that feeling.

He didn't waste his time and went towards his room.

What the hell is going on in my life?"

Anzala and Maizah both were repeating the same words while throwing some stuff on the floor to draw out their anger and frustration of their family or maybe that wasn't the frustration about their family but about each other.

They both tried their best to focus on their assignment which was pending but couldn't as they were restless for some unknown reasons.


Gul was sitting on the edge of the bed hiding her face in her palms when a hand grabbed her shoulder.

"When you have come back?" She asked suddenly when witnessed Aasif sitting beside her.

" I just returned now but what happened to you? Why are you looking worried? Is there any problem or are you ill?" Aasif utter everything in his tired voice only his voice was enough to address that he was tired after doing a lot of work whole day, but after listening his words Gul's eyes started shining not with happiness but due to the presence of Tears in that

"Gul... What happened?" Aasif was worried about his wife. No matter how much he was tired but his family was his first priority, and his love for his wife had no boundaries.

"Aasif, I am not understanding anything.... I don't know what will happen with Maizah" Gul muttered while controlling her tears and Asif was confused

"Tell me what happened?" He asked and Gul informed about the plan of Maizah and Anzala regarding their divorce.

"Aasif, Anzala is a boy, if he divorced Maizah then there won't be any negative consequences for him and his future but what will happen with Maizah... She will face the tag of divorcy for her whole life." Gul shared her opinion and Aasif agreed with her.

"Let's talk to Abbu and bhai - bhabhi, I think we should announce their marriage as soon as we can, after that they both won't be able to do anything like that" Aasif said and Gul shrugged

" I don't know what is right or what is not. I just know one thing: I want my daughter to be happy in any condition with Anzala or without Anzala... if they both don't want to continue this marriage then why are we all forcing them? Now day and night I only curse myself that, why did I also agree to this marriage? Why didn't I support and respect Maizah and Anzala's decision that they didn't want this marriage?" Gul shared with Aasif and he nodded sadly.

" since many days I am thinking the same" Aasif said and Gul closed her eyes after drawing a long sigh and letting it go

" We have trapped both of them in a cage on the name of marriage," Gul said and Aasif nodded with a sad look.

"Gul let's go to Abbu and talk to bhai, and bhabhi too about this matter" Aasif said and they both moved towards the bedroom of Abdul Gafur.

After a few minutes all the elders were discussing about that topic but, all the youngsters were unknown about that discussion.

"Abbu if Maizah and Anzala don't want this relationship then why we are forcing them? This is not about our lives but theirs" Gul put her point in front of everyone with full respect

" What are you saying Gul? It is marriage not the game of Puppet that anyone can end it at any moment" Rashid came out with those words in in his disappointed tone

" But we did that marriage like a puppet show without any warning or without any intention so why not divorce?" Aasif questioned in front of his family but no one was able to answer those questions

"No... it's not a game which we can play over at any time! Divorce isn't a solution to their arguments!" Abdul Gafoor said, Aasif and Gul both felt helpless

"Today Ali has called me..." Abdul Gafoor announced in his polite voice

"He want to do Rumi and Naail's marriage after three months" he added further and everyone was amazed to know that, actually Abdul Gafoor forgot to inform about that news because of the argument held in the afternoon, Mr Ali wanted to do Naail's marriage after three months because his parents were coming back from abroad just for two weeks and no one knows after that when they will come again.

" So we should start the preparation of marriage'' Momina said with worried expression and everyone move their head up and down in agreement

" I have decided that we will Announce Anzala and Maizah's engagement in Rumi's marriage, and within two months we will do their marriage in front of everyone, '' Abdullah Gafoor said and everyone nodded.

'' But I am worried that what will happen if they both won't continue this marriage? Anzala is a boy who won't suffer but my daughter will suffer due to this. If Anzala divorce her then she will live her own life with the tag of Divorcy" Aasif said and Gul nodded

" Don't worry we won't let it happen'' Rashid assured him. All the elders were busy talking without knowing that there was a person who was listening to all the talks.

She was Maizah....

She went downstairs to bring a water bottle from the kitchen and while coming back to her room she was stopped in between when listened her name from her father's mouth when all the elders of the family were talking about them.

' Why are they all planning to announce our marriage?' she asked herself with anger and frustration and made her way to the room.

'' I can't continue this marriage with Anzala, he loves Muskan.''

'' Oh god.... I'll be a divorcee if Anzala divorce me.... Why I didn't think about this?''

''We can't reveal to anyone that we are married, before they people could do anything we both should get rid of this marriage''

Maizah was mumbling everything like insane when her mobile is started ringing and she came out of the world of thoughts; that was Muskan's call

"Yeah Muskan?" Maizah utter slowly and sadly

"No Musu cat but Muskan? What happened to you girl?" Muskan said happily

"Hmm.. Right now my mood is a bit off" She replied shortly

After a very short conversation with Muskan she disconnected the call and Scott towards Anzala's Room. She knocked on the door of his room which he opened after five or six knocks.

" Now what's the matter, why are you here to eat my head?" Anzala asked very rudely and Maizah glared at him.

" shut your mouth, do you have any idea what our family is doing?" Saying that Maizah stepped in the room and told everything to Anzala which made him panic

"Yaar I will marry Muskan, only Muskan, from where you come to my life?" Anzala asked Maizah with full frustration and she glared at him.

" I haven't come to your life but you have come to mine to make it hell" She replied angrily

"What?? I... Come to your life?"Anzala asked with anger and huffed but before he could argue further Maizah slapped his head.

" Stop this nonsense and listen to me carefully" Anzala gave her a deadly look while caressing his head

" We have to get rid of this marriage as soon as we can , otherwise they people will tie us together for whole life" Maizah said worriedly and Anzala nodded in agreement he was also looking tensed

"But how?" Anzala asked and Maizah shrugged

" for now I am going we will discuss it later" saying that she took a step towards the door of his room, but stop between her way and turn towards him

" You can apologize to me, maybe I will forgive you" Maizah said while hiding her nervousness without looking at him, which made him smile but he was also an egoistic one so he suppressed his smile.

" Go and be happy you got forgiveness from my side" Anzala showed his angry and rude side while saying those words and turning his head towards the other side but Maizah felt sad and embarrassed too as she knew that was her mistake.

"I'm sorry" Going towards him she held his hand and mumbled "I was angry with Badi Ammi and I draw out the frustration on you" she added

" So what's new in this you always do the same" Anzala said with disappointment, he was sounding like an innocent boy from whom someone has snatched away his chocolate and he was crying for that

"Now stop doing your third class drama I know you are not the innocent one so don't pretend in front of me" slapping Anzala's arm Maizah said and he chuckled but after a short chuckle they both stopped and sincerely watched at each other for a long moment

"I'm sorry"


They both said in unison and A smiled captured their lips.

"I won't do this again" Maizah said and Anzala blinked while lifting his hand to pinched his cheek. He slowly held Maizah's cheek with his first finger which was half folded and thumb, but didn't know what made him stop to pinch her cheek but for a couple moments he lost himself in her eyes, instead of Pinching her cheek he moved his thumb up and down her on cheek feeling its softness. They both were lost in each other's eyes without knowing what they were feeling.

'Her cheeks are so soft' Anzala said to himself while caressing her cheek regularly But soon realisation hit Maizah harder when she felt goosebumps on her face and back with his touch and different type of gaze. She was feeling a different tingling, not only on her face but in her heart too.

'What the hell? Why are you liking this touch of Maizah?' Her heart shouted loudly while skipping two beats and she took a back step suddenly, her face was looking pale

"Shit..." Turning his side Anzala tightly clenched his eyes while running his fingers in his hair and grabbed the hand full of his hair. His back was facing Maizah who was looking in disbelief that why she felt happy with his touch on the other hand Anzala was confused that why he felt the urge to caressed her soft cheek!

Both were feeling ashamed and guilty, and in the sought of not making the situation worse and more uncomfortable Maizah decided to go out from the room, her face was shocked but a part of her was happy and Wanted that touch again.

''Astaghfar, I've to stop thinking about Maizah, she is my cousin and this is against my rules." Anzala Muttered while closing his eyes, he was trying his best to overcome the feeling of guilt but couldn't

"Maizah control, Anzala only love Muskan," mumbling the same she entered in her room and lock the door from inside
