Another Match Made In Heaven
Another Match Made In Heaven

Author: writerbyheart01

Published: 25/09/24

Maizah and Anzala were first cousins who were living under the same roof since childhood, they both were best friends and best leg pullers of each others. Since childhood they always relished the sweetness of their family member's love and pampering along with the sourness of their scolding and strictness. But one misunderstanding snatch the trust and love of their family from both of them. They were forcefully tied up in the bond of nikkah by their family. Maizah and Anzala both were good with each other, their bond and friendship had no boundaries, but every good bound is not meant to be end up in the form of marriage. Both of them never saw each other as a life partner, moreover Anzala love his another friend 'Muskan'. He only wanted to marry her, no one else. What will happen when they both will start to work on their plan to get rid of that Marriage... How will they get rid of this marriage? Or will they accept this marriage?! Wanna know about their further? So come and read...



Row after row of neatly lined up books with their spines facing outward, colour coded with dots, and arranged in alphabetical order. Chairs and tables were for laying their quiet study. The methodical and disciplined environment was enough hushed that, even a harsh breath could be heard in the room. Every gaze was fixed on the books laying on the table next to them but there were two pairs of eyes which were focusing on a face instead of their books.

An innocent face which had a small mole on the corner of her upper lips.

She was no one else but Muskan, her beautiful face was enough to make Anzala and Arham crazy for her.

The peaceful environment was disturbed by a small whisper.

"Maizah look at both of them!" One of her friends talked about Arham and Anzala.

"What is cooking in their heads?" The girl asked and Maizah pressed her lips together to stop her giggle

" Not in heads but in in their chests." Maizah Giggles slowly friend also noted with the giggle

" I can understand about Anzala, it's normal for him but Arham! It's shocking for me. " Maizah said and her friend nodded. After a long time they all left the library as it was now their lecture time.

"Where did you lose Anzu?" Maizah whispered as they were moving towards the class and he suddenly shook his head while narrowing his eyes.

" What are you asking about? " he enquired confusingly as he hadn't idea that his clever cousin noticed him gazing Muskan.

"Don't pretend innocent, you were lost in watching Muskan. " Maizah rolled her eyes

" Why would I pretend innocent? Neither I am innocent nor I want to prove myself as one. I like Muskan so I was watching her. " Anzala said while raising his eyebrow

" What's new in this? you like every next girl! sometimes I can't understand how can someone be attract towards every next girl?" Maizah mocked but Anzala shook his head

"I'm serious about Muskan, it's true I like every next girl but she is the best among all of them." Anzala said seriously and she was shocked to know that Anzala was truly saying everything with sincerity

"Anzala are you serious?"

''Mazi is this a matter of prank?"


"Gul where is my tea?" Aasif asked loudly and Gul Bano took longer steps. From kitchen to her bedroom holding a cup of tea in her hands.

Aasif was ill since last night so he was resting in home instead of going on his work

"Take this tea then medicine too. " Gul said and placed a few pills on the side table of bed before stepping back towards the exit of room


"Hmm." She turned towards her husband

"Maizah hasn't come back yet?" Aasif asked and Gul shook her head.

"Aasif, think of controlling her a bit, you are spoiling her. Neither you stop her from doing anything nor you let me scold her." Gul complained and Aasif narrowed his eyes.

"She is not doing anything wrong, she is just a fun loving girl, who loves to do pranks." Aasif said in the defence of his daughter

"What will people say about her? She is not a small girl now. " Gul shared and Aasif smiled

"Gul my daughter is my pride, her smile gives me happiness and her sad face gives me pain. I don't want to snatch her playful nature just because of what people will think about her. She is happy, this is my main happiness." Aasif said while lifting the cup of tea.

In the time being the room was echoed with a voice.


"See your daughter is back. " Gul said to Aasif who smiled.

"Abbu, how are you now?" Maizah asked and sat down beside him on the bed.

"Absolutely fine, dear. " Aasif said with a smile and Maizah nodded.

"Abbu. " Maizah held her father's hand and looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Yes, abbu's little doll. " Aasif said lovingly while holding her chin

"Abbu, I want to go to Goa with our college tour." Maizah said and Aasif think for a couple of moments

"So who is stopping you to go?" Aasif said with a smile and Maizah's eyes became wide.

"Abbu! Really?" Maizah asked in disbelief and Aasif nodded.

"Who is stopping you to go?" Aasif asked and Maizah huffed.

"Abbu, your wife is stopping me to go." Maizah pointed towards her mother.

"I'm still not letting you go their, you are not going anywhere." Gul said angrily and Maizah made a pout

"Abbuuuuuu! " She whined like a small girl.

"Gul let her go, what is the matter?"

"What is the matter?! Aasif you are asking this! She is a girl and you are saying to send her out of the town with the college friends!" Gul asked with disappointment

"Ammi, Anzala will be with me. Why are you thinking too much?" Maizah asked while hugging her mother but she shook her head.

The matter went in front of The head of the family on the dining table.

"Dada abbu please... Anzala is also going, but why are you all doing this with me?" Maizah asked

"Dada abbu, you all don't worry I'll take care of her, and to be honest I need her to take my care after all she is older than me. " Anzala said in a playful manner and Abdul Gafur smiled.

"Okay you can go." He said and Maizah looked at Anzala who was besides her



Both of them shouted out of joy and Momina slapped their head one by one but both were behaving like maids.

"Thank you dada Abbuuuuuu." She hugged her grandfather and anzala also hugged him.

"Happy now?" Anzala mouthed looking at Maizah, they both were still hugging their grandfather from either side.

"Thanks." She blinked slowly and Anzala smiled while blinking his eyes in response.

"Anzala Maizah, you both are going but it doesn't mean that you will forget about the.." Maizah didn't let Rashid complete his sentence.

"Bade abbu, don't worry we both will not forget to call you thrice a day and we will take care of ourselves." Maizah said and Anzala nodded and both gave hifi to each other and started having their dinner.



There were only a few days left for the college tour. Maizah was busy in shopping with her friends and Anzala was over excited as they both never visited anywhere outside Lucknow.

After doing a lot of shopping Maizah entered the home with an ample number of shopping bags in her both hands. But she forgot to blink when she saw a handsome figure sitting in the living room of her own home.

That was the same face who was coming in her eyes again and again but she was trying to avoid that feeling.

"Assalamualaikum. " Maizah greeted entering the home.

"Waalaikumas salam." everyone said in unison

"How are you beta?" Mr. Ali asked Maizah with a smile but her smile was on rest as she was feeling hesitant in front of Naail who was sitting beside his grandfather.

"Me.. Umm.. Ohh yeah.. I'm fine" Maizah replied as if she was confused by the question.

"I think you have forgotten about us!" Naail said and she shook her head with a smile.

'How can I forget you, even though I was trying to forget you but I'm unable to do so. " Maizah's heart said very loudly but thankfully that voice was inaudible to anyone.

" No.. I.. Remember you.. Actually I wasn't expecting you here so I am surprised to see you here" Maizah said with a small smile.

"I think I should Tell Abdul what his grandchildren did that day. " Maizah smiled slowly and Anzala raised his brow proudly.

"That wasn't a big deal uncle, that was just a matter of humanity. " Maizah said happily and Everyone smiled.

"I am feeling that Naail is becoming bore sitting here since an hour. " Momina said when she noticed him uncomfortable and he smiled sheepishly

"Naail don't like to sit in the room, he like to go on terrace or lawn in free time. " Mr. Ali said with a smile.

"Same like me. I mean it's quite boring to watch the walls of the same room all the time. " Maizah said very happily but then she detected a sharp gaze on herself which was from her aunty Momina.

"Anzala, take Naail bhai to terrace or lawn. " Momina said to him and he nodded.

"No, its okay aunty, I'm fine here. " Naail said with hesitation. 

"Naail bhai, you are becoming very formal, there isn't any space for formalities in our home, come I'll show you terrace. " Anzala said and Naail nodded. Both boys moved towards the outside the living room and Maizah followed them.

"Maizah where are you going?" Momina asked.

"Ammi,. I.. Am going to my room to place these bags. " She said showing the shopping bags to her.

"Come with me in kitchen. " Maizah nodded with anger in herself as she wanted to go with Naail.

"Yeah Ammi. " entering in the kitchen she said

"You went to Mr. Ali's home. Do you have any idea if they weren't genuine people but some wrong people then anything could happen but..."

"Ammi nothing wrong has happen. Don't worry. " Maizah cut her sentence and Gul Bano glared at her.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Gul said with disappointment and Maizah kissed her cheek

"We did a good job because you all taught us to do so. And Allah don't do wrong with the people who do good work. " Maizah said and Gul smiled.

"Sometimes you talk like mature person , but all the time you behave like an immature one." Gul again scolded her.

"Sorry na... Now give this tea to me I'll take this for everyone." Maizah siad and Gul shook her head.

"Take this one and go to the terrace. Give this to Naail and Anzala. '' Gul said and she nodded.

She went to the terrace and gave tea and snacks to both the guys who were busy talking about their favourite food

Maizah sat down on the swing which was a few steps away from Naail and Anzala.

"Umm... Tea is delicious, have you made this?" Naail asked to Maizah and she shook her head in no.

"Ammi made that. " she replied.

"She even don't know how to apply butter on bread making tea is very big deal very for her." Anzala said in mocking way. 

"I know how to apply butter on bread" She huffed but Naail smiled.

"By the way I have come here just to thank both of you, that day I didn't get a chance to thank properly. " Naail said and Anzala shook his head.

"No need for that"

"Who is in your family? Maizah asked.

"Dadu and I, my parents live abroad and we both live here." Naail state and Maizah nodded slowly. 

"In which college you both are studying?" Naail asked and Anzala informed. 

"Two of my cousins also study in that college. " Naail said with a smile as so Anzala

"What are they doing?" Maizah asked and Naail shrugged

"I don't know, I haven't asked about the details" Maizah and Anzala nodded.

Three of them did not realise when they spent their one and half hour while talking with each other.

Maizah, Anzala and Naail talked about their favourite subjects, their favourite food and places they wanted to visit and what not.

They three become very good friends in such short span of time. And Maizah was happy with that friendship.

Maybe Naail was also happy
