
Author: Seraphicsaf

Published: 23/09/24

Deeba was on a highway driving to her work. A stranger helps her when a bird gets stuck in her car grill and since then her heart flutters for the stranger like a falcon's wings Love has it's unique ways to cross two strangers paths or "highway" in this case. A tale of two people falling in love with eachother despite their differences with only one similarity, KINDNESS.


Osman focused all the time on the bird and not at the woman. He cared for it genuinely. All he noticed about Deeba was her nervousness upon almost killing the bird.

Osman gently brushes the falcon so it gets used to it before he pushes it out with it.

"Don't panic buddy, we're gonna get you out, safely"

He slids the painting brush beside it's head and gave a slight sideways push from the inside of the grill.

And ever so slowly it's head pop out of the car. It flapped the wings in his hands as if it was glad to be out.

Deeba jumps with joy "Oh my god!" She would've totally hugged him if he wasn't holding the falcon.

"Thank you! Thank you so much. Oh my gosh it's beautiful. Is he ok? Is it's neck alright? Let's see the neck."

"Yeah. It's fine"

He brushed off around the neck to see any injury and fortunately there was none. It's wing seemed to be jacked up a little.

"Aww poor you, how long have you been stuck in there"

They both caressed it together.

For the first time Deeba felt a connection with someone.

Osman knew she was beautiful, so before he catches any feelings, he didn't even look at her again.

She asked "Should we just leave him near that field over there?"


He took short steps towards the feild and placed it on the ground. "Are you ready?" He unhooks his grip on it and moves back but the falcon doesn't fly.

"Won't you fly birdie? I hope it's alright" Deeba asks it.

Osman tickles him on his back "Hey little man, Come on buddy, fly".

It felt tickles, but didn't even flutter. He picked him up on the stick of the brush. It opened it's wings wide and then closed it, like it was testing them.

"Are you ready?" He said and before releasing it he said loudly "Here. We. Go" and raised the stick higher to release the falcon.

The falcon opened it's wings to it's full length and flew beautifully over the fields.

They both looked at eachother with sheer happiness.

Deeba moved in for a hug but then realises it's not appropriate thing to do. So she lifted her hand for shake.

Osman didn't touch her. Instead he touched his right hand to his chest and bowed his head slightly in respect.

Deeba scratched her nose with that hand and was still joyous.

"Thank you" She said warmly.

They saw the falcon coming back.

He raised the stick of his paint brush and the falcon rested on it.

"What happened buddy? Couldn't fly further? Maybe he couldn't fly for a long time due to this wing" he pointed at it.

"Shall we take it to the vet?" Deeba asks more like insisting.

Osman looks at the time on his watch.

"It's 8:50 already, it may take an hour or more there. Don't you have somewhere to be? Cause I do at 10am"

To which Deeba replies "Oh, I'll be late anyways, doesn't matter if I turn my late minutes into an hour with a good reason" She grinned.

Osman thinks for a while "I could make it work as well. So, I'll keep my car here and we'll go back to the city in your car. We have a vet on Hitex road. Ok?"

What a gentleman, "Okay" she nods.

She pick his phone from the ground and hands it to him.

He carries the falcon, locks his car and comes back.

He adjusts himself on the narrow seats of the car, holding the falcon gently while she drives. Osman feels a little embarrassed for not being able to fit freely in her car.

While Deeba thinks 'He is so soft hearted as well as soft skinned'.

"What's your name?"

"Osman Zafar and what's yours?"

"I'm Deeba Muneer" she replies.


They reached the vet clinic, still holding the falcon they rushed

The vet took an x-ray and said "It's minor injury, we'll just apply Coflex. It may take 3 days atleast or less for it recover completely".

"That's great" they both said in a unison.

"We're glad that there is a couple out there who cares for a wild creature."

He raised his eyebrows. Her eyes went wide.

They both looked at eachother clarifying the vet they're not.

Deeba said "We're friends". Osman smirked.

"Oh, so would you like to be informed when the falcon is healed?"

"Yes" They both said in a unison again.

He wrote his contact details with his name beside it in a register they provided. She did the same. Though they didn't exchange their numbers they wish they did.

All they did on the way back was hide their smiles which was still making it's way on their faces.

Stepping out of the car Osman said "I'm glad I was of some help"

"I'm glad too, that means a lot"

An hour felt like a minute.

His heart was beating faster and so was hers. They still had to carry on to their own paths.
